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Koala survey qualification Dr Wotherspoon


Surveys Must be Carried Out by a Suitably Qualified Person


The surveys must be carried out by a suitably qualified person. This is taken to mean a person with:

  • a minimum undergraduate qualification in natural sciences ecology environmental management forestry or similar from a university and

  • BSc (ecology)

  • PhD (ecology)

  • with a minimum 3 years’ experience in environmental assessment including field identification of plant and animal species and habitat.

  • Ecological consultant since 1991

  • Certified Practicing Ecological Consultant (ECA NSW registration number 1)


This includes having as a minimum the following experience in conducting koala surveys:

• Greater than 10 surveys

LGAs include Hawkesbury, Campbelltown, Port Macquarie, Blue Mountains, Pittwater, etc.

• Experience in using the koala presence survey methods identified below


Training workshop AKF annual Conference Philip Island 1999.

NSW LEC expert witness.

• Can accurately identify preferred koala use trees


Arborist expert witness.

• Can distinguish between koala faecal pellets and those from other species that may present similar characteristics


Training workshop AKF annual Conference Philip Island 1999


The person’s skills in koala survey should be demonstrable by relevant qualifications and the following:

• a history of experience in koala habitat / population assessments and associated survey methods and/or

  • Research paper published Australia Koala Foundation

  • Paper presented AKF annual Conference Philip Island 1999

• a resume giving details of koala survey projects conducted over the previous 10 years including employers’ names and periods of employment (where relevant).


Owner and founder of Abel Ecology P/L (previously Blue Mountain Wilderness Services P/L) since 1991


The experience and qualifications of the surveyor must be documented in the koala assessment report.


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Contact us now for local knowledge, 
expert advice and more than thirty
years of experience.

We are located in Springwood and Cooma NSW,
our team are able to travel anywhere in the state.
We also have associates in other States.

02 4751 9487



BAM Ecology Pty Ltd T/A Abel Ecology, © 2024. ACN  626 221 467 ABN  37 626 221 467

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