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Flora and Fauna (Biodiversity) Assessment - Flow Chart


The NSW government and local councils may require a flora and fauna / biodiversity assessment of your site to be included in a Development Application (DA).


The processes are specified in the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and the Biodiversity Conservation Regulation 2017.


One of the following reports required may include:

  • Prescribed Ecological Actions Report (PEAR) assessment;

  • Biodiversity Development Assessment Report (BDAR);

  • Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report (BCAR).


We recommend that a Certified Practising Ecological Consultant or a Practising Ecologist member of the Ecological Consultants Association of NSW be engaged to prepare the PEAR.


An ecologist accredited as a BAM Assessor must prepare both BDAR and BCAR assessments. The process uses the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM) with an online BAM calculator.


This flow chart describes the pathways for satisfying the flora and fauna / biodiversity requirements of the consent authority (Council or the State Government). The appropriate path will depend upon the characteristics of your proposal.



Download your free Biodiversity Assessment Flowchart poster



However, it is wise to have a bushfire analysis and an Opportunities and Constraints Report prepared to inform you of the nature and extent of any potential impacts of development for your site, before any designs are prepared.



Our objective is to provide a streamlined approach for your proposal.


We aim to avoid unnecessary duplication of tasks.





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