Abel Ecology consultants will help you to consider the four key issues you must get right for success in your development.
We are a specialist company providing innovative, high quality, professional ecological consulting services to home owners, planners, developers, architects, surveyors, natural resource and land managers.​​
Our Expertise
Accredited BAM Assessor
Biodiversity and Ecology
Flora and Fauna Reports
Trees (Arborists & Aboriculture)
Vegetation Management
Landscape Plans
Expert Witness
We Can Help You With
Arborist Reports, BAM Assessments, navigating the Biodiversity Assessment Method (BAM), Biodiversity Development Assessment Reports (BDAR), Prescribed Ecological Actions Reports (PEAR), Bushfire Assessments and Bushfire Reports, BAL Certificates, Construction Management Plans, Five-Part Tests, Forensic Ecology, Golf Course Management, Landscape Plans, Subdivisions, Vegetation Management Plans.
Drone Fauna Surveys available